2021 Goals and Objectives

It has been exciting to discuss our goals and objectives for the auxiliary this year. We have been able to create a roadmap of programs and events that allow us to realize the vision of our mission statement. Even with the uncertainty of COVID-19 restrictions and how they will evolve as the year progresses, it is nice to be able to plan opportunities to engage in the community and show our support for residents and firefighters.


Host or participate in four community events; to include the DTPR Egg Hunt, the Festival of Flags, and the PumpkinFest Pancake Breakfast.

Sponsor a family for the holidays.

Create a Fire Relief Kit program for the Davison Community. You can access more details on this program through this link.

Establish a scholarship fund to be awarded annually to one female Davison High School senior pursuing a career in public safety.


Provide refreshments, such as cold water and Gatorade, to firefighters as needed at fire scenes.

Coordinate meals for firefighters during extended responses and all day training events.

Assist the members of the fire department, if requested, with events they host, such as the October Fire Safety Open House.


Hold one additional fundraising event for 2021.

Raise approximately $10,000 this fiscal year. These funds will be directed to providing firefighters with refreshments at fire scenes and training events, establishing a scholarship fund, sponsoring a family for the holidays, creating and replenishing Fire Safety Kits, and allow for event and office supplies.


Fire Relief Kits


And the winner is…