Fire Relief Kits

The purpose of the Fire Relief Kit program is to lift a small amount of stress from the shoulders of families and individuals impacted by the tragedy of a home fire through the provision of immediate necessities to aid in getting through the first night.

How it works…

In the event of a house or apartment fire in the Davison-Richfield Fire Department’s response area, an officer on scene will notify the auxiliary once it has been determined the fire has resulted in a majority loss of the home. The auxiliary will then work to assemble a kit including toiletries, clothing, and food appropriate for the family’s situation.

What the kit may provide…

All kits will be tailored to the needs of affected individuals based on family make-up and season. For example, baby formula will not be appropriate for everyone’s circumstances, but can be made available when it is. Items that are universal, such as toothbrushes and shampoo, will be purchased and stored until a kit is assembled. Other items that may be dependent upon factors like sizing, will be purchased through gift cards as the necessary information is obtained. The following list outlines the type of items that may be provided in a Fire Relief Kit.

Personal Care Items

Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, hairbrush, feminine hygiene products, diapers, and baby wipes.


Socks, undergarments, and a seasonably appropriate change of clothes and footwear.

Food and Drink

Healthy food and drinks that do not require refrigeration, formula, and baby food.


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